IRAS Active Analytics have made a significant investment in the state-of-the-art gas proportional counters – Mirion LB4200 units – to give us sufficient throughput and reliability for this high demand semi-quantitative test.
With a background count rate approximately 30% lower, and a P10 gas usage of around half of typical gas proportional systems, we can provide faster throughput / better limits of detection, whilst the advanced gas control system employed by the LB4200 helps us maintain a competitive cost advantage.
Proficient in both thick source and thin source methods, IRAS Active Analytics offer either Am-241 or Pu-239 for gross alpha calibration and K-40 or Cs-137 for gross beta.
Whilst these techniques, equipment and capacity support the majority of service requirements, should a customer require other reference radionuclides or an alternative technique (e.g. LSC), we would be pleased to assist with project specific requirements.