Alpha spectrometry is the tail end of the overall radiochemistry process to analyse alpha emitting isotopes of radioelements such as uranium and thorium, along with isotopes of the transuranic elements that result from operating fission reactors.
Relying on an array of techniques to achieve sample dissolution, IRAS Active Analytics employ both ion exchange and ion selective chromatography to remove interferences and undertake radiochemical separation of the radioelement(s) of interest, followed by electrodeposition and assay by alpha spectrometry.
Using electrodeposition cells manufactured by our in-house engineering team and based on an IRAS Active Analytics modification to a Los Alamos design, we are proficient in the reliable production of fine, evenly electrodeposited sources.
For alpha spectrometry, we have fourteen spectrometers, ranging from the modern stand-alone Ortec Alpha Duo, with software-controlled vacuum, to older NIMS units. The overall efficiency, which is a combination of radiochemical separation yield, electrodeposition yield and counting efficiency, is measured using traceable yield monitors.